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Window Tint Percentage For Factory Windows

May 13

Window tinting is a fantastic method to enhance the appearance and feel of your vehicle. Window tinting can make your vehicle cooler , and also provide security and privacy from sun.

When you have window tinting one of the initial questions you will likely ask is "what percentage is the tint that is factory-made?" This is a reference to how dark or light the tint applies to windows. In this article, we will examine what the percentage of factory window tint is typically and the benefits that are associated with different levels of darkness!

What Is Tinting?

Tinting is the process of applying a thin layer of tint to your car's glass. This film can be transparent, but it is typically tinted to limit the amount of sunlight that is reflected into the car. Tinting also provides some privacy for the passengers and yourself.

There are many types of window tints that are available on the market. Each one has their own benefits. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is the most well-known type of window tint. It is a durable plastic that does not fade or peel with time.

What Percent is Factory Window Tint?

The percentage of darkness your window tint film is will determine how much light it blocks. For example 5 percent (or 50%) tint allows 50 percent of the light to enter the car.

Although there are numerous types and shades of window tint that are available The majority of windows tinted by a factory are between 15 to 20 percent dark. The film blocks between 85 and 80 percent the sunlight that enters your vehicle.

How Can You Tell Which Percent Tint You've Got?

There are a variety of ways to see the tint of your windows. One option is to put the paper to the window and see how much light is blocked. If the paper isn't evident, the tint could be darker. Another way to tell is by looking at the label on the doorjamb for the driver's side. The sticker should indicate the percentage of tint for each window of the car.

Why do different states have different tint laws?

Different states have different regulations regarding tinting windows because some individuals like to drive with very dark tints , while others would like lighter shades. Safety of drivers can be assured by the legal limit on tint. Medical exemptions may be necessary in states that permit extremely dark tints. For example, if the driver is disabled and needs the darkening.

How dark can you tint your windows?

You can tint your windows with any color you'd like, so long as it isn't illegal in the state you reside in. There are some aspects to consider before tinting your windows. The first is that dark tints may make it difficult to see at night or in bad weather conditions. This could be hazardous for both the driver and other motorists on the road. Additionally, dark tints could make it difficult for police officers, which could lead to a traffic stop.

Window Tint Percentage for Factory Windows

The amount of tint is determined by the Visible Light Transmission or VLT%. This refers to the amount of light that is allowed through the film and into the car. The darker the tint, less the VLT percentage. A film with a VLT% of 15% appears very dark, whereas a film that has 70% VLT will appear almost clear.


It is against the law to install any type of tint on the front of your windshield in Utah. We suggest choosing a tint for your car that has VLT% that is between 35 and 50 to ensure good visibility and safety.

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